Custom Pre-Primed Sidewall Shingles
Advantages of using a pre-primed RR sidewall shingle vs. spraying or brushing after sidewall shingles have been installed:
• Sidewall shingles are coated on all sides and ready to
• be installed.
• Save $$$ in priming cost.
• Once pre-primed sidewall shingles have been installed, successive oil base or latex coatings shall be applied.
•Pre-primed shingles with two successive coats of oil base or latex coatings are less likely to require maintenance over an extended period of time.
Custom Pre-primed Sidewall Shingles are available in Prime Gray and Prime White. Most primed sidewall shingles are available in stock.
Note on Factory Coatings: For best results, factory finish/coatings must be completely dry prior to successive coating applications.